Benefits of Banana for Health

There are several benefits of bananas are good for our health, are as follows:
- As a source of energy, because a banana is one fruit that is easy to digest. Sugars found in bananas is converted into a source of energy for our bodies.
- Bananas can be a cure bowel disease and abdominal pain. The trick is to mix the bananas with liquid milk.
- Can regulate our body weight. By eating four bananas and a glass of milk a day 3 times a week.
- As a source of calories.
- As the blood booster.
- Treating liver disease.
- Can overcome the problem of constipation.
Benefits of Bananas For Pregnant Women
Banana was also very beneficial to the development of a pregnant mother. Benefits of bananas is the development of the baby in the stomach, because it contains folic acid which is readily absorbed through the womb the fetus us. However, it is advisable not to eat bananas in excess, as in a banana has a lot of calories, ie: 85 - 100 calories.May you also interest in other fruit benefits relate, like: benefits-of-blueberry-fruit, health-benefits-of-blueberries, strawberries-and-blueberries, benefit-of-pineapple-fruit, benefit-mangosteen-fruit, benefits-of-soursop-fruits, efficacy-of-dragon-fruit, grapefruit, benefits-of-melon-to-health, best-benefits-of-dragon, benefits-of-soursop-fruit, benefits-of-watermelon-fruit, various-benefits-of-fruits, miracle-benefits-of-noni, spodilla benefits, durian fruit, turmeric benefits,million benefit coconut, miracle of rosmary leaf, strawberry fruit,nutmeg benefits health, nutrition in avocado, benefits of olive fruit, super foods
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