Fitness Drinks
- To build muscles | MilkMilk contains whey protein and casein, both of which are essential amino acids, which help you work to build muscle.

- For body slimming | Green tea or grapefruit juice
Green tea can keep the weight, because the content in it increases metabolism. Meanwhile, grapefruit juice is also known to help maintain weight.
- Getting rid of sleepiness | coffee or water
In addition to repel drowsiness, a cup of coffee will also increase the concentrations and energy. Another alternative is: drink water with a little spirulina powder, made from blue green algae that contains a lot of nutrients.
Accelerate healing
- For influenza | tea with lemon and honeyConsuming plenty of fluids, especially warm like tea with lemon and honey, can actually help cure nasal congestion. When a cold, you should reduce your intake of milk, because it can make the mucus in the nose or throat becomes more viscous.
- To cough | Honey
Honey can get rid of the cough caused by infection of the respiratory tract. You can add it in tea or warm water to help dilute mucus in the throat, so the cough subsides.
- For dehydration | coconut water
The ability of coconut water in re-hydration body better than water. The content of the natural electrolytes in coconut water is also good for consumption after exercise.
- When hungry | milk
Meal times have arrived, but the stomach is growling? glass of water or low-fat milk apparently known to increase satiety.
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