Tomato (lycopercisum esculentum)at first time found in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, it's then spread for every place over the world. Even the franc said as pomme d'amour or love apple, that sure health benefits of tomatoes can cure the man problem and can increase the sperm for man.
Tomato fruit is consist of some variety, among other is a big and middle shape of tomato, vegetable tomato and ceri (small tomato), a big size tomato can use for juice, even the middle and small size tomato can use for vegetable and souses. The taste is nice, delicious,,,waww. Sure this is economist cost and you can get it easily in market, especially vegetable market.

Tomatoes as nutrient source
In every variety tomatoes rich in vitamin A, C, mineral and fitonutrient substance. Base on composition list of food goods that out by Indonesia department of health in 2000, The contain of nutrient substance at tomato fruit (in 100 gram) is as below:Calories: 20 kcal
Protein: 1.0 grams
Fat: 0.3 grams
Carbohydrates: 4.2 grams
Calcium: 5 milligrams
Vitamin A: 1,500 SI Unit (Indonesia)
Vitamin C: 40 milligrams
Health benefits of tomatoes
The red pigment in tomato contain lycopene, it's: anti-oxidant that can break the free radical in body due to smoking, pollution, and ultraviolet ray. in addition lycopene knew can prevent the cell damage that make the cervical cancer, prostate cancer, and pancreatic cancer.
For people with fever, tomato have the antipiratek efficacy that can lowering the fever, and the fiber in tomatoes can prevent the indigestion, like hemorrhoid.
Health and beauty benefits of tomatoes, The woman whom wanna to appear beautiful consumption tomatoes very recommended, because tomatoes can cure the acne, remove the dirt at skin, decrease fat at skin and have beneficial for collagen forming. So, tomatoes usually use in beauty product.
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